There’s no doubt that recovery is hard for almost any person struggling with an addiction.
In fact, for most people, relapse is a part of recovery. When people go into recovery, and they fail, they often get discouraged. Hopefully, knowing that most people are not successful initially, gives you hope if this is your story as well.
Here are a few reasons why people fail:
Many people are afraid to live life on life’s terms. They have a hard time thinking of not having their drug of choice, as a resource to use to escape from the challenges of the world. Because they lack skills to deal with life challenges, the drugs helped protect them from the world. The thought of having to face the world without the drugs is often very overwhelming and interferes with people who are struggling with recovery.
People often struggle with other people’s perceptions of them. The fact of the matter is, when people struggle with drug use, family and friends start to treat them differently. This might include not trusting them, or judging them in areas around their substance use. Even when a user makes a decision to do better, sometimes it takes longer for family and friends to get the hint. This can be discouraging to someone who is already struggling with something so strong and powerful. Some people find the challenge so overbearing that it interferes with her efforts towards recovery.
Fear of starting over. The reality is, whatever reasons drove you to use drugs in the first place will still be there, with or without the drugs. Many people simply don’t want to have to deal with problems pertaining to their losses like family, money, jobs, friends, etc. They believe that it’s easier to remain addicted, then face recovery and the feelings that come along with it.
Recovery is very hard, but it can be achieved and we want to help you achieve your recovery goals.