Marijuana slows reflexes and stagnates the executive functioning of the brain. Marijuana, itself, might not be to blame for it, but if it slows the brain down, this could have dire consequences. Marijuana can make you slow to respond to things, in many ways that the alcohol use does. Imagine having to do something quickly, like slamming on the brakes while driving )and being unable to because of the intoxication you get from smoking marijuana. This could cause you to seriously injure yourself or others. It could also lead to death.
Marijuana creates tunnel vision and impedes peripheral vision of things and life perspective. For the very reason people choose to use marijuana, marijuana skews their perspective of important things. It keeps them from seeing things as they truly are, and instead through the lenses of their high. They don’t take things as seriously as they probably should. Many people smoke marijuana so that they can relax, which might prompt them to relax in areas where they should be more focused such as studying or fulfilling their work obligations.
Marijuana has carcinogens and causes cancer and other health impairments. These things are not talked about as much, but anytime smoke is in your lungs it puts your lungs at risk. A lot of this has to do with the strategy of smoking marijuana. When smoking marijuana compared to tobacco, there is a prolonged and deeper inhalation required to get high. Additionally, marijuana is smoked to a shorter butt length and at higher combustion temperature. As a result, users experience 5 times the carbon monoxide concentration, 3 times the tar, and the retention of one-third more tar in their respiratory tract. This, as you can imagine, is not for the health of one’s lungs.
Marijuana is a gateway drug that will likely lead to the misuse of other drugs. So, if you feel that marijuana is not as dangerous as other drugs like crack/cocaine, opiates, opiates or meth amphetamines, don’t forget that most people who use these drugs, began by smoking marijuana first.
If you’d like support on reducing your marijuana consumption, contact us today.
As you can see, marijuana has many negative side effects, most of which go unacknowledged by people who choose to smoke it. At Tech Talk Therapy, we believe in providing you with the most accurate and effective information, even if it may be disappointing. If you would like to look closer at your marijuana usage and think we might be able to help, please contact us at